Honor & Awards:
At the request of Helmut Wittmann, UNESCO included storytelling in Austria among the national list of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage.
In 2003, the Award of the German Folk-Storyteller was bestowed on Helmut Wittmann for the Congress of the European Fairy-Tale-Society in Potsdam.
In 2008, he received the Writer-Award at the Lesetopia, the most important Reading Fair in Austria for his cross-linguistic initiatives.
In 2011 Helmut Wittmann was awarded honorary citizenship by the local council of Grünau im Almtal.
Personal data
About the storyteller
Helmut Wittmann,
Born in 1959, he lives with his wife Ursula in the village Grünau, in the valley of the river Alm, Upper-Austria. The couple have four daughters and a son.
Inspired by the international Festival of Fairy-Tales “SAGA 87” Helmut started his work as a storyteller in 1987. From the start, it was very important to him to make his audience rediscover the fairy-tales of the Alps. At that time this kind of fairy-tale was nearly forgotten.
Since more than 30 years Helmut Wittmann performes at national and international storytelling-festivals, in schools as well as to adults in institutes of further education. He published collections of Austrian fairy-tales and legends and CDs with stories from the heart of Europe, from East and West.
In the last years he has developed bilingual storytelling programmes, such as a Bosnian-, Croatian- and Serbian-Austrian program with Jasmina Maksimovic, an English-Austrian program with Anton Waller, a Polish- and Russian-Austrian program with Aneta Marie Pichler and a highly entertaining Turkish-Austrian program with Mehmet Dalkilic. An Italian-Austrian program with Evelyn Mair is in progress.
The art of storytelling is Helmut Wittmann‘s career and path in life. Storytelling tours brought him to New Delhi, Moscow, Warsaw, Vienna, Strasbourg, Hamburg, Teheran, Berlin, Budapest, Munich, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Istanbul and many other cities and parts of the world. Apart from performances as a story teller, Helmut has also conducted many workshops at home and abroad, in German as well as in English.
Since more than 25 years he has his own radio-show at the national broadcaster, ORF, Radio Upper-Austria and Radio Salzburg. Every month, for an hour, he introduces his audience to new, inspiring stories, offbeat and fascinating music from all over the world.
Current information
on Instagram: storyteller.at