The podcast »Geschichten~weise – Story~wise«
with fairy tales, sagas and legends told in Austrian dialect, German, Englisch and bilingual. Every month you will find a new episode on Spotify, in Apple Podcasts – or simply follow the link to our podcast-player:
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The latest radio show in ORF:
The radio broadcast can be heard on in »Sound«.
Just klick here to hear »Die sagenhafte Stunde«
Teaching and learning with fairy tales
That happens playfully between the lines. More on this in the new issue of the magazine »Märchenforum«.
Here you can here my article in the podcast »Geschichten~weise Premium« – for free!
Sagenreiches Oberösterreich
The TV documentary about the work of storyteller Helmut Wittmann and legends from Upper Austria. You can see it here on ORF ON!
The premium version of the podcast »Geschichten~weise«:
Once a week there is an inspiring story to be heard on steady.
To get to know you can listen to the podcast for 30 days free of charge!
Just klick here!
Stories, customs, recipes
all year round, you can find in our book »Das Geschenk der zwölf Monate« (The Gift of the Twelve Months) and in our blog. The link to the blog is just below. For more information about the book just click here!!
You can find inspiring thoughts, stories, customs, ideas
and the good recipe for the spring herb soup
in our blog …
Guest of Annika Hofmann:
The storyteller Annika Hofmann creates a stimulating video podcast throughout the year. It was a pleasure and an honor for me to have a conversation with her in the forest near her house.
Just klick here!
The fairy-tale is plain, clear and translucent and a refreshment, like the air.
– Adalbert Stifter –
Austrian poet
Long, long ago, maybe it happened yesterday, maybe it happened today, …
Thoughts on fairy-tales
Certainly, there are lots of reasons to be excited about fairy-tales. They can awaken the child in us. They are downright smart, entertaining, and imaginative. And although these stories might be ancient, yet they still have so much to tell us.
They do this through their simple, but keen and striking wisdom. Fairy-tales tell us about important phases in the lives of heroines and heroes. The protagonists may be a naive and silly homebody, or a beautiful, rich princess, they may be a poor and simple shepherd, or just an innocent girl like Little-Red-Riding-Hood:
In fairy tales, we can identify with these archetypes. This is an imaginative way to deal with different life journeys, with different possibilities of life.
These journeys often bring about renewal: In one story, the old king is sick and frail. Only the Water of Life can help. So he sends out his three sons to go and find it. It becomes clear that it is necessary to bring new inspiration to something old. Other stories challenge their protagonists with harsh truths about life. Just think of »Hänsel and Gretel« or the girl in the old Austrian fairy-tale »Zistl im Körbl«. The heroine‘s parents die and all the money is gone – what can she do? Still other stories will send their heroes on the quest for meaning while we, the listeners, learn important wisdom about how to deal with these fundamental questions and predicaments.
In the end, all heroines and heroes go off to find their luck in life. What else is life all about?
Fairy-tale heroes may be women or men, rich or poor, strong or weak, but they are never contemplators. Their character is revealed through their actions – they are doers, rather than thinkers. They deal with things. Sometimes they face enormous challenges, but they never give up. That‘s why these stories are great sources of strength.
They encourage us to follow our hearts and to believe in the ability to succeed against all odds. But it is also important to be open for inspirations and to communicate with the helping hands around.
For hundreds of years people have been telling these stories – not because of nostalgia. These stories are told because they are great thinking tools for personal development. Isn’t it wonderful to have such imaginative tools?